To me, having clear skin and healthy hair is a flex that I am always working towards. Growing up, I didn't have a skin routine, I just washed my face and went on about my day. It worked for me, and I was fine with that. I never went through the typical acne phase as a teenager, so I never worried. When I left Texas after graduating college, I started to notice how dry my skin and scalp were. Let me just say: Texas heat does my skin very well and I actually miss it.
Anyway, I developed some sort of a skin and hair routine that has worked for a while. I have built trust with a few brands including Cantu, Shea Moisture, and Lush products; just to name a few. A couple of weeks ago, I made a facial appointment with my cousin Shemia, who is an Esthetician. She was able to teach me the types of products that work well for my skin type, and the proper methods of applying them onto my skin.

The facial process was very peaceful and relaxing, and she was able to recommend products that work well for African American skin. My skin felt amazing as soon as she was finished, and I immediately went to Ulta to buy the products that she recommended.

One of the products was The Ordinary's Buffet Facial Serum, and I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys clear skin. I use a few drops after I clean my face and use a toner in the morning and at night, and it blends right into my skin. She explained the importance of wearing sunscreen on your face year-round, and not just in the summer, and how helpful serums and moisturizers can be, for both males and females. If you check out my video below, you will see a few of the products that she recommended me to incorporate into my routine.
*Music by @iamryanlittle - Talk To Me via @hellothematic (since I don't own the rights, or whatever lol)
Also, shoutout to my best friend Courtney for editing my videos. She even recorded herself doing my hair when I visited her in Chicago, and added it to her YouTube page. (see below) My hair is something that either has a good day or has me running late to get somewhere because I spend twenty minutes trying to fix it. I like the length, it goes with my IDGAF aesthetic, but I hate when it looks all over the place. After spending time in Atlanta during quarantine, I experimented with a rinse, and I must say this honey-platinum-medium brown (idk what color it is lol) is my new signature look. I sat back and let Courtney use her products to moisturize and define my curl pattern, and it turned out good af. I 'll link her IG & Youtube so y'all can book her! LOL
Somewhat content with the end results, or current solution for both my skin and hair, I am sticking to the products that I have been using. As the fall season approaches, I may try something different with my hair, but we can worry about that later. As for now, this is my routine, and I am sticking to it.
I'll check in with y'all later, and thanks for reading.